
Komparativ german grammar
Komparativ german grammar

komparativ german grammar

⭐ Certified Trainer for German as Foreign Language⭐ If the adjective is right in front of the noun, 'am' it not used. am + base form of adjective + - (e)stenīy using the comparative there are also different forms and some exceptions to the normal rule:īy using attributive adjectives the question is about when to use 'am' and when not.The superlative expresses the highest level of something. There are some shortened phrases in German that use this construction as well, for instance, 'Je mehr, desto besser' (The more, the better). (The longer I had to wait, the more nervous I became.) Je länger ich warten musste, umso nervöser wurde ich. Je mehr Glück er hat, umso glücklicher ist er.(The more luck he has, the happier he is.) (The more I learn, the better I am in the exam.) Je mehr ich lerne, desto besser bin ich in der Prüfung. (The shorter the work week becomes, the more productivethe workers become.) Je kürzer die Arbeitswoche ist, desto produktiver sind die Arbeitnehmer. Compound adjectives where the added part of the word already stands for the highest level (eiskalt, stockdunkel, zuckersüß etc.).Adjectives that represent the highest level of something (viereckig, englisch, schwanger, maximal etc.).Adjectives that represent colours (blau, grün, rot etc.).The following adjectives cannot be increased: Some adjectives cannot be tranformed into the comporative or superlative form, because otherwise the meaning of the words would be modified. Adjectives that cannot be used as comparative or superlativeĪdjectives that cannot be used as comparative or superlative.These are the exceptional cases by forming the comparative and superlative: Of course, there are certain cases, where you have to be careful with. Exceptional cases in forming the comparative and superlative Unlike in Englisch, in German it can never be formed by mehr + adjective. Sometimes, in English the comparative and superlative forms are composed by using more or most, as in more beautiful. The superlative describes persons, actions or things that can't be outperformed. While the positive form of an adjective simply describes the noun, a comparative adjective compares persons or things that are not equal. (superlative) (Our picture is the prettiest.) (comparative) (Your picture is prettier.)

komparativ german grammar

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Komparativ german grammar