
Data smuggler ironfell
Data smuggler ironfell

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Turning to the Export table, a general decline will be observed in nearly all our staple Opium-the luxury of the rich and the chief medium of exchange in these districts, where next to no banking facilities exist. Rice-the food of the people-shows the large increase of 166,000 piculs, or 75 per cent., over the already exceptionally high figures of 1893 and the balance of trade is made up by a large increase (519 piculs, or 30 per cent.) in Indian Foreign manufactures, which, however cheap, must yet be considered luxuries to the large majority of the inhabitants of this country, exhibit a heavy and general decline, ranging from 20 to 50 per cent. The effect of these misfortunes upon the course of trade will be readily observed by a glance at Tables Nos. This further decline naturally tended to still further increase the cost of Foreign goods, while it did not appreciably benefit the export of local produce, owing to the uncertainty of the market and indifferent crops. 4d., continued its downward course during 1894 to 28. The value of our silver-dollar, which during 1893 had fallen from 2.s.ĩ d. To these more or less local causes which affected our market must be added another disturbingĮlement-declining exchange. To crown our misfortunes, four typhoons in quick succession visited these districts towards the end of September, doing great damage ashore and afloat. These troubles were scarcely over when news came of the outbreak of the war, which resulted in the withdrawal of a large body of men from useful work and of a considerable amount of money from the people of this province.

data smuggler ironfell

The military cordon was abolished on the 4th August, but medical inspection continued some time longer The effects of this calamity on trade were serious: with Hongkong, whence our Foreign goods and northern produce are drawn, and with the districts north of this, which are our chief customers, trade was paralysed during nearly three months. It is no doubt chiefly owing to the strict enforcement of this severe measure that Macao escaped infection. All jetties and wharves were fenced in, and a military cordon was established all round Macao, afloat and on shore. To those whose business necessitated passing during night hours special passes were issued. From the beginning a strict medical examination of all arrivals was instituted, and on the 2nd June entry to Macao was restricted to three points and during daylight

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Macao, thanks to the assiduous care of the Government, remained free from the disease, notwithstanding the influx of thousands of Chinese, who, panic-stricken, fled from Hongkong and filled every available tenement here. The absence of rain in April and May reduced the out-turn of the very promising spring crops by about three-tenths, and caused the spreading of the plague, which had broken out at Canton early in March, to the surrounding districts and Hongkong.

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The year under review brought a series of misfortunes to these districts. value and the Revenue it yielded, the trade of 1894 must be considered fairly satisfactory but a closer examination of the statistics will show that while merchants and carriers may have done fairly well, the producers and consumers have not. 345,000 (2 per cent.) less than during 1893 while the total Revenue collected amounted to over 7 per cent.

data smuggler ironfell

LOCAL.-The estimated value of the merchandise which passed the Lappa Stations in Native bottoms duringġ894-exclusive of the goods carried by junks direct between Macao and Hongkong, valued at

Data smuggler ironfell